Jesus your Saviour

It's been a long time since you came into my life. I can still remember it clearly. Once again it was almost unbearable. Depression and unhappiness hardly allowed me to live.

Closer to death than to life, I cried out to you and said, Jesus, if you really exist, then give me a sign, show me that you exist. I don't think I had finished saying the words, I was already thinking, no use, no harm, and my expectations, like my well-being, were very modest. 

Who would have thought it, but all of a sudden things started to happen. The following days, many strange things really happened. things. I got a clear sense that there is more. How much more I didn't dare to believe in and the help I received through the Holy Spirit was enormous. From a half-hearted attempt, it doesn't help, it doesn't hurt, has become the most important and best relationship in my life. 

Hot or cold

Whether hot or cold, I spit out the lukewarm. This sentence from the Bible accompanies


The stream of life

The metaphor of the stream of life offers a valuable perspective on how to deal with the challenges of life.


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