The formula for success - a plaything of forces

Life is in a continuous interplay between two forces that influence both the mind and the body and almost all aspects of our environment. These dynamic interactions are based on the laws of nature which, on closer inspection, turn out to be guided by two main forces. For success, it is essential to understand these laws of nature and to [...]

The baptism of the devil

The name "devil" has such a negative connotation that just thinking about it has a certain negative effect. That's why, from now on, I'm no longer calling you the devil, but "leave me in peace". "Leave me in peace" is also what my daily goal is: to simply remain at peace throughout the day. I do [...]

The splendour of nature, of the world.

The closer I get to Jesus, the more the Holy Spirit nourishes me and the more I can change, the clearer the world seems to become. Today, circumstances have become normal for me that would have been unthinkable years ago. At the same time, there are also circumstances today where I can hardly understand that this used to be [...]

Inherited depression

inherited depression

Dealing with inherited depression reveals a profound phenomenon that has parallels with numerous other challenges of our time. The tendency to blame genetic predispositions or historical burdens for our problems often leads to a fatalistic attitude that not only perpetuates the problem, but potentially magnifies it. This perspective suggests a kind of resignation that prevents us from [...]

The seven most powerful weapons of goodness

Fortunately, there are not only the weapons of evil, which can influence us daily and make our lives difficult, no, there is also help against them, which by its very nature is also much more powerful and helps us to lead a good life. But before I list these weapons here [...]

The 4 most dangerous weapons of evil.

Originally there were even 6 or 7 weapons. I've already been allowed to delete a few, which doesn't really speak in favour of his strength. But it would be fatal to underestimate evil, considering what you see here in the world, what it does, it wouldn't be wise either. So now we come to the topic. Here [...]

Hot or cold

Whether hot or cold, I spit out the lukewarm. This phrase from the Bible has stayed with me since I first heard it a long time ago. I think my mum said it to me and I thought I understood the meaning well. I realise that to this day I have [...]

Does prayer work & if so why?

We hear a lot about prayer and the hope associated with it. But you can't really read anywhere about whether prayer really helps and why. I've developed a very strong theory about this. As is so often the case, it is difficult to tell whether it is the Holy Spirit and therefore the truth or whether it just comes from the confusion of our [...]

When will you become fashionable again?

I can't remember the day when I gave you my life and achieved the most important thing in life. It may have been 6 or 8 years. Countless words of holy spirit may have flowed, words that have all changed my life into a different person. These days I sometimes wonder when [...]

Bits and Bytes for the Lord

Aren't we all always on the lookout? Everyone has to deal with their imperfections on a daily basis, one day rather better, the other day rather lousy. In this wash of emotions, it is noticeable that some people are tempted and want to make the world a little better. In the search for meaning, [...]


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